Friday, March 8, 2013

Learning poses for future competitions

Thinking about getting into future competitions. So just practicing poses for now.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Warm up music

I have music for everything warm up sets heavy weight sets and cool off sets my warm up sets are with slow music I like listening to the weekend

Building powerful legs

I've always had skinny legs. I am.very happy to know the secrets to building legs now. The quads the calvs hamstrings are all gaining mass. My upper body is also benefiting from the work outs and nutrition its not easy to execute the first couple of times. But it is easy to learn and teach as I go. My youtube channel shows my work. If you have not seen my videos where my before and after flexing footage is, feel free to do so when you like. Channel Mrangelripped

Friday, March 1, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013


My time shedule is horrible at the moment
But here is what I am eating avocado rice beans and potatoes

Legs progress

The body will grow into fruition slowly but surely and naturally follow my movement only good things will come of it.

My legs are growing specially thighs
Now to incorporate calv exercise into my life :)

Late night meal

3 whole large eggs and 3 egg whites :)
Am cutting so if you are bulking add more calories